Jessi's Blog

Friday, July 16, 2004

Aahh, the weekend...

Yay, it's Friday!  Tonight Benjie and I are leaving for our 1st anniversary get-away.  We'll be spending the weekend in Pacifica.  I hope it won't be too cold because I am still getting over my sore throat/cold. 
Last night at high school group, it was like a Hume reunion.  We went to Hume Lake last week.  It was my first time as a full counselor, and it was great!  I took so many pictures, and I'm waiting to have them developed.  So last night, a bunch of girls from our cabin were there who don't usually come to group.  We watched highlights from the Hume video and told funny camp stories.  Then we split into small groups, and all the girls from Hume came to our group.  Kelly and Danielle were there, too.  It was good to see them.  Kelly and I have been emailing back and forth about stuff.  I feel like God is going to make me more of a mentor this year for these girls.  At least I hope so.  I want to be able to help these girls however they need help through life.  I know it was great for me to have Christy there mentoring me when I was in high school. 
I miss Christy.  She and her family moved to Portland for a season.  She sent me a nice thank you letter for the scrapbook I made for her and Doug.  I hope they are doing great. 
Okay, I need to get back to work.  I just wanted to blog because I won't be able to all weekend. 


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