Jessi's Blog

Friday, October 29, 2004

Happy Harvest!

Well, there is no new Finance Manager to replace Kathy yet. Why am I not surprised? And we are still without a Business Administrator. Seriously, I don't know what will happen when Kathy leaves.

My accounting class is still going well. I'm learning more than I ever thought I'd want to know.

We got a dog for Benjie's birthday. She is a 2-yr old petite German Shepherd named Sierra. She might be pregnant! She is very sweet and cute. The only trouble we have with her is keeping her off the couch and bed because the old owners allowed it.

Mom sprained her ankle, and Dani's car broke for good. Mom wants to buy a new car and give Dani her old one, but I don't know how she would afford that.

Tonight we are going to a costume party at the Bromley's. Tomorrow we will go to the corn maze at Ardenwood with the high school group. Sunday I have to work because Fall Family Festival is on Sunday. But then I am off on Monday! And I am going to have coffee with my mom! I am excited for that because I miss having coffee with her in the mornings. I think I should bring some cookies too. :)