Jessi's Blog

Friday, November 19, 2004


Okay, I have the negativities right now and need to vent them out so I don't spoil the rest of the night. Tonight is my family birthday party, and I almost wish we weren't having it now. The problem is I didn't really plan well, so then I let things change at the last minute, and the change may not be the best thing. It was going to be at our place, but then mom asked if it could be at her place. I said okay, without talking to Benjie. Also, I told everyone else it would be at mom's before talking to Benjie. Then when I did talk to Benjie, he didn't like the idea because he wanted to be at home with Sierra. So, it is my fault for not talking to him first, and I feel crappy about it, and also we have to pick up my dad which probably means Benjie and I have to drive separately because we don't have cars that hold more than 2 people comfortably! Urg! I am frustrated! And I don't know if writing this all out is even helping. All I want to do is go to bed and pet my kitty and read my new Rose is Rose book. Pooh on everything else! I better pray and ask God for help because I don't want to bring everyone else down. God, please help me control my attitude and make it better. Please let it work out that Benjie will have some time to spend with the dog, and let it work out with picking Dad up. Please let tonight be fun. Help me be a good witness to my dad and grandpa. In Jesus' name, amen.


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