Jessi's Blog

Friday, January 28, 2005

Constant communion-day 1

Tired and frustrated. TGIF. Last night I read of a man who expiremented with maintaining continual communion with God every moment for a year. Of course, he did not maintain it every moment, but he made great progress. I wanted to weep when I read it, that such progress was possible. I resolved to try and maintain communion with God myself. I am confident that such a pursuit will be rewarded. Seek me and ye shall find. Of course, I have already lost God from my mind several thousand times this morning. But it only the first day. After 6 months, this man had not been able to keep God in his mind even half a day. Nevertheless, the descriptions of how his life had changed were incredible. One thing especially: he experienced such a joy of close communion with God that he hated sin. It held no desire for him because he knew it would tear him away from God. That is something I want. To love God's presence so much, that sin would hold no appeal for me because of how it separates me from God. May the workings of God in me increase!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

heart's desire

More and more I am longing to stay at home. I think it is being back in school that makes this desire stronger. Having to stay away until 9:30 at night is a drag. It's only the second week, and I am ready to be done. Help me perservere.