Jessi's Blog

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Analog has a blog! That is pretty cool. What's really cool is if Analog moves to 11am. At least it will be cool to me. And I think it will be good for the community-building of Analog. Right now it sucks (the community, not Analog). When I go, I don't feel like there is much community. I feel like there are only a couple people I am comfortable talking to. I don't feel like meeting new people like I used to. So, I hope it gets better by being in the morning when there will be more time to hang out afterwards and get to know people. The one concern I have is that people who go to 11am celebration now will be dumb and not adjust their schedule to go to 9am, but will leave fcc altogether. I hope that doesn't happen. Or I hope some people will be willing to try analog at least once. Then if they don't like it, go to the other service.

I can't wait for school to be done!!!!!!!!!!!! I never want to go to school again after this semester!