Jessi's Blog

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Now that school is out, I think I have found my new passion--cooking! I have been trying new recipes every chance I get! And Benjie doesn't mind me having more time to cook either. ;)

The last thing I made was a chocolate peanut butter cake. I made it especially for Amber, but she hasn't tried any yet. I guess maybe the chocolate-peanut butter thing is only with ice cream for her. Oh well. I liked it, and I don't even like chocolate cake that much. Another thing I tried was a Hawaiian recipe with yams and bananas. I though it was pretty good, but Benjie didn't like it. Luckily I didn't make too much. Also, last night it fell out of the fridge, so there's no more left. I also tried Christy Ingebretson's meatloaf recipe, which was good. Even Benjie liked it. (He normally does not like meatloaf at all.) I tried Emily's whole chicken recipe too, since they had whole chickens on sale for 69 cents/lb. That was really good. It didn't get too dry. What else? Pineapple coconut bars, teriyaki chicken, beef stir fry, shrimp verde, roast pork with cherries.... I have just been cooking up a storm. It is a lot of fun for me to try new recipes. Tomorrow I am going to make a chicken/corn dish. Tonight we are going to try and clean the fridge of all the leftovers from my new passion! :)