Jessi's Blog

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Sick Day

Today I stayed home in an effort to completely recuperate.  I slept until 10 or 10:30 and read my book most of the day.  Unfortunately, it was so hot!  I almost could have been better off at work in the air conditioning.  But the heat helped me sleep, and sleep is good when you're sick.  I think I will be ready for work again tomorrow. 

Right now Steve, Kathi, and Benjie are tearing up the carpet in the hallway.  Hopefully the dust and pathogens released into the air won't cause me to relapse.  :)  I think the house is going to look really nice when everything is done.  There is hardwood under a lot of the carpet.  Steve finished painting our room, and I like the color.  It is lighter than I thought it would be, but that is probably good.  Too dark, and it feels cramped. 

In other's official, I am going back to school!  I registered for an accounting class at Ohlone today.  I was going to do that back in January, but it didn't go through.  Now that I've learned my boss is leaving in December, I'm more motivated to learn what the heck we do at work.  :)  Class starts August 17th. 

Today would normally be a scrapbooking night, but things have been crazy for a while and we haven't gotten together in a long time.  I feel the urge to scrapbook, but I don't have the energy to pull everything out and work on it.  Maybe next week. 

My Hume Lake pictures got posted online today!  Here's a pictures of me with some of my girls on Super Spirit Day: The theme for the week was XENOVIV, which translates as "living as strangers" in this world.  So our spirit day was a kind of outer space-metallic/reflective clothing theme.  So, that explains the foil hats. 


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