Jessi's Blog

Friday, July 23, 2004

It's Friday again!

I am so glad it's Friday and that I get to hang out with my sister at her house.  Home is not a place to hang out right now.  Yesterday, Benjie and Steve started tearing up some of the hardwood flooring and replacing it.  It sure was noisy!  They were working until like 11 at night or something.  But, the floor is going to look much nicer.  There were still holes in it when I left this morning, though.  So, I told Dani we should hang out somewhere other than my house.  I think we will watch some movies or something. 

Today Linda's mother-in-law passed away.  I wonder how that feels.  I have never had to deal with the death of someone close to me (besides pets).  I think the only death in my life was one of my classmates in 5th grade who was killed when his brother was playing with a gun.  That was really sad and shocking.  I hope no one close to me dies soon. 


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