Jessi's Blog

Monday, July 26, 2004

Today is Monday

Friday night I hung out with my sister and watched The Day After Tomorrow at the cheapy theater.  It was intense!  We had fun hanging out together.  Saturday I went to Zarban's.  Then we had the Chews over for lunch.  We ate kabobs (home-grilled, not Afghan) and several vinegary side dishes.  After that, I had time to scrapbook and start a new book...Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment.  When Benjie got home (after working 11 hours on a Saturday), we went to JD and Erika's and watched Along Came Polly.  Sunday we went to Starbuck's on our way to church for breakfast.  At church we took the "mug shots" for the church database and went to SALT.  We are studying Romans 12 in SALT.  And Benjie said I had it memorized already (the requirement to go on the leaders retreat), so Matt made me say it in front of everyone.  We also took a spiritual gift test.  I scored highest in Teaching and Helps, I think.  My second highest were Pastor and Service.  After church we went out to lunch with my mom and sister at Chaat Cafe.  (Later that night I decided I'm never going there again.)  Then we went to look at kitties at Petco.  Mom and Dani wanted to get some.  They picked 3, 2 babies and a medium one, but they had to get the landlady's approval before the people would let them take the cats home.  The landlady didn't call back, so they don't have the cats.  Then we went home and hung out until it was time to go to church.  At church we studied John 9.  After church we went to Chili's.  Then we came home again and went to bed.  Benjie and I talked about the future and being overseas.  Jeanne's mother-in-law passed away today.  Today is Monday.


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