Jessi's Blog

Friday, August 06, 2004

Whirlwinds of change

Wow, a lot has happened since the last time I blogged. The house is nearly finished being worked on. The hallway floor just needs to be stained. Sharon came back from Russia today! Unfortunately, Benjie has to work all night, so he won't even see her today. At work, I have been training people to use the new timeclock and online system. It has been going better than I expected. Change usually goes over hard. We'll see how it goes when people start punching in on Monday. Kelly had decided to drop out of SALT to do something on her own. That is a MAJOR bummer. She has a lot of passion, but I wish she could have the patience to stick with this group. However, she no longer feels like it is something she wants to do, or that God even wants her to do. So, maybe God will do something great through her somewhere else. I hope so. But I am still bummed. At least I will still get to have time with her in our discipleship group that I am starting with her and Danielle. I start school in 2 weeks, I think. I joined Curves a week ago. My first week was great. I think I like it, and I already feel like I have more energy! It is great! We got our wedding pictures back from Jason. That is cool. There were a few missing prints, so we will get those soon. I am currently reading Crime and Punishment. Everyone speaks in exclamations! Like this! All the time! What else? Mom and Dani got a kitty! He is so cute! His name is Captain Jack and he is an orange tabby and very frisky and playful. Awwww! Tomorrow we are going to Marine World. We are missing Grandpa's birthday dinner though. :( That is not good. Benjie is working all night tonight so that he can go tomorrow. :(


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