Jessi's Blog

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Margaritas at work???

Yesterday my mom and I walked together (like we are supposed to do every monday and tuesday, but we haven't been lately).  And we're walking again tonight.  I like when we walk together because then we get to talk by ourselves and get outside and get some exercise. 

Today at work we had a staff party.  But it was cool because the Production Team hosted it, and they made it a Mexican theme, so we had mexican food, margaritas (non-alcoholic of course), and live mexican music, courtesy of Tony.  Then, the birthday people got to hit a pinata, and the work anniversary people had to do the Mexican hat dance.  They decorated the whole courtyard, and it was cool.  We stayed all the way until 2:00.  Normally we leave right away.  But now they have sest the bar so high, how will all the rest of us measure up when it's our turn to host the party?

Monday, July 26, 2004

Today is Monday

Friday night I hung out with my sister and watched The Day After Tomorrow at the cheapy theater.  It was intense!  We had fun hanging out together.  Saturday I went to Zarban's.  Then we had the Chews over for lunch.  We ate kabobs (home-grilled, not Afghan) and several vinegary side dishes.  After that, I had time to scrapbook and start a new book...Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment.  When Benjie got home (after working 11 hours on a Saturday), we went to JD and Erika's and watched Along Came Polly.  Sunday we went to Starbuck's on our way to church for breakfast.  At church we took the "mug shots" for the church database and went to SALT.  We are studying Romans 12 in SALT.  And Benjie said I had it memorized already (the requirement to go on the leaders retreat), so Matt made me say it in front of everyone.  We also took a spiritual gift test.  I scored highest in Teaching and Helps, I think.  My second highest were Pastor and Service.  After church we went out to lunch with my mom and sister at Chaat Cafe.  (Later that night I decided I'm never going there again.)  Then we went to look at kitties at Petco.  Mom and Dani wanted to get some.  They picked 3, 2 babies and a medium one, but they had to get the landlady's approval before the people would let them take the cats home.  The landlady didn't call back, so they don't have the cats.  Then we went home and hung out until it was time to go to church.  At church we studied John 9.  After church we went to Chili's.  Then we came home again and went to bed.  Benjie and I talked about the future and being overseas.  Jeanne's mother-in-law passed away today.  Today is Monday.

Friday, July 23, 2004

It's Friday again!

I am so glad it's Friday and that I get to hang out with my sister at her house.  Home is not a place to hang out right now.  Yesterday, Benjie and Steve started tearing up some of the hardwood flooring and replacing it.  It sure was noisy!  They were working until like 11 at night or something.  But, the floor is going to look much nicer.  There were still holes in it when I left this morning, though.  So, I told Dani we should hang out somewhere other than my house.  I think we will watch some movies or something. 

Today Linda's mother-in-law passed away.  I wonder how that feels.  I have never had to deal with the death of someone close to me (besides pets).  I think the only death in my life was one of my classmates in 5th grade who was killed when his brother was playing with a gun.  That was really sad and shocking.  I hope no one close to me dies soon. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Sick Day

Today I stayed home in an effort to completely recuperate.  I slept until 10 or 10:30 and read my book most of the day.  Unfortunately, it was so hot!  I almost could have been better off at work in the air conditioning.  But the heat helped me sleep, and sleep is good when you're sick.  I think I will be ready for work again tomorrow. 

Right now Steve, Kathi, and Benjie are tearing up the carpet in the hallway.  Hopefully the dust and pathogens released into the air won't cause me to relapse.  :)  I think the house is going to look really nice when everything is done.  There is hardwood under a lot of the carpet.  Steve finished painting our room, and I like the color.  It is lighter than I thought it would be, but that is probably good.  Too dark, and it feels cramped. 

In other's official, I am going back to school!  I registered for an accounting class at Ohlone today.  I was going to do that back in January, but it didn't go through.  Now that I've learned my boss is leaving in December, I'm more motivated to learn what the heck we do at work.  :)  Class starts August 17th. 

Today would normally be a scrapbooking night, but things have been crazy for a while and we haven't gotten together in a long time.  I feel the urge to scrapbook, but I don't have the energy to pull everything out and work on it.  Maybe next week. 

My Hume Lake pictures got posted online today!  Here's a pictures of me with some of my girls on Super Spirit Day: The theme for the week was XENOVIV, which translates as "living as strangers" in this world.  So our spirit day was a kind of outer space-metallic/reflective clothing theme.  So, that explains the foil hats. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Let them eat cake

Our wedding cake turned out to be pretty good after 1 year in the freezer, not even wrapped, just in the box.  It was a little bit dry, but not much.  We enjoyed it with my mom and sister, who also cooked us dinner at their house.  It was a great time.  I never laugh like I do with my mom and sister.  They crack me up.  We took the rest of the cake home so Steve and Kathi could have some.  Maybe this weekend we will watch our wedding video.  What a great first year of marriage we have had! 
Benjie and I are both still sick.  It is a drag.  Sunday night we stocked up on brothy soups, kleenex and cough drops. 
Steve is working on the master bedroom for us.  For the first time in my life, I will get to have bedroom walls some other color than white.  Actually, the rooms at my dad's house were blue and yellow.  This room is going to be a light rosy-brown color.  Nice and warm.  I can't wait to see it finished.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Happy 1st Anniversary!

So, Benjie and I went to Pacifica for our anniversary (which is today!).  It would have been great, except we were both really sick, and therefore irritable.  But there were some good things.  For one, the weather was great!  We went to the city on Saturday, and it was sunny and warm!  Everyone was out and about.  Also, we came back to the hotel in time to hike up a cliff and see the sunset.  And, last but not least, we got to watch VH1's "I Love the 90's."  That was great because we don't have cable at home, so we never get to watch it.  Okay, gotta go get our wedding cake top out of the freezer!

Friday, July 16, 2004

Aahh, the weekend...

Yay, it's Friday!  Tonight Benjie and I are leaving for our 1st anniversary get-away.  We'll be spending the weekend in Pacifica.  I hope it won't be too cold because I am still getting over my sore throat/cold. 
Last night at high school group, it was like a Hume reunion.  We went to Hume Lake last week.  It was my first time as a full counselor, and it was great!  I took so many pictures, and I'm waiting to have them developed.  So last night, a bunch of girls from our cabin were there who don't usually come to group.  We watched highlights from the Hume video and told funny camp stories.  Then we split into small groups, and all the girls from Hume came to our group.  Kelly and Danielle were there, too.  It was good to see them.  Kelly and I have been emailing back and forth about stuff.  I feel like God is going to make me more of a mentor this year for these girls.  At least I hope so.  I want to be able to help these girls however they need help through life.  I know it was great for me to have Christy there mentoring me when I was in high school. 
I miss Christy.  She and her family moved to Portland for a season.  She sent me a nice thank you letter for the scrapbook I made for her and Doug.  I hope they are doing great. 
Okay, I need to get back to work.  I just wanted to blog because I won't be able to all weekend. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

getting started

How did I come to start a blog? Well, my husband Benjie just emailed me a link to our friend Rudy's blog. It was his thoughts on our wedding (almost one year ago...July 19, 2003). I had read Rudy's blog before, but this time I saw "Start Your Own" and clicked on it. So now here I am with a blog. Maybe it will be read by others, maybe just me. I think it will be kind of fun, and cool to have an online record of life. Today I am sick, so I am going to go take a hot shower now and go to bed.