Jessi's Blog

Friday, September 17, 2004

Did I say whirlwinds?

I meant great tornados and hurricanes of change. I think I already mentioned that my boss is leaving in December, but then the other shoe dropped. Jeanne resigned with only one week's notice, and her last day was 3 days into the audit!!!!!!!!! Major freaking out all around. What a huge blow! We are all getting on now, but I do not know what I will do when Kathy leaves if there is no one to replace her. This is a major trusting God issue for me. I get terrified when I think about it. So, let's move on to other subjects.

I have started my accounting class, which is going very well. I got a 98% on our first test. And it is helping me see the bigger picture of the accounting world, and how all the pieces fit together. Also, I am still going to Curves regularly. After one month, I gained one pound, but lost 1.25 inches. I am discipling Kelly and Danielle, but we have only gone through one chapter of our study so far. Also I am working on our wedding album so I can get it done before Thanksgiving.

Benjie is all done with school and he finished well. I am so proud of him. He is working a lot and is really burnt out from this summer. So, I am praying that he will get some time to recup. His parents have moved out and are currently in Switzerland. Amber has moved in. Her grandpa just died. Sharon is here too, but she plans to go to Mexico and the Phillipines for more midwifery training.

My mom is in Vermont visiting Grandma and Grandpa. She is having a great time and says it is beautiful. She comes back tomorrow.

Tiffany is getting married tomorrow! I am helping her set up tonight.

Let see, following up on some items from my last entry:
The time clock system has been a headache so far. I hope it gets better because it is not saving me time or work yet. Of course we have only gone through two payroll cycles so far.

I finished Crime and Punishment and am now reading another Terry Pratchett book called The Fifth Elephant. Also I am going through a Bible study called Experiencing the Heart of Jesus by Max Lucado. This week is about peace, which is exactly what I seem to be missing this week.

Finally, Benjie didn't get to come to Marine World, even though he worked all night until 4am. He still had to work the next day. Poor guy. I missed him.

Okay, that is all for now.


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